We are currently working with landowners across the country to maximise their land values and minimise their financial exposure, in areas where we can demonstrate housing need. We have a 100% track record in the conversion of land from agricultural or brownfield to a residential planning consent and an onward sale.
We bring together our team of planning, architectural and development law expertise, and assess the site. If the land is viable, we fully finance and manage the process to gain Planning Consent and the eventual sale of the site. Working together with the landowner to realise the potential of your land holding.
At present, we currently have in excess of 160 acres of land under promotion at various stages of the planning process ranging in size from 1 acre to 115 acres. We currently have projects in Hambleton, Fenland, NE Lincolnshire, North Yorkshire, Ryedale, Harrogate Borough Council and Scarborough District.
If you have or know about any land that you think may be suitable, please contact us directly or fill in your contact details below with a brief description of the site.